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Fig. 2 | Eye and Vision

Fig. 2

From: Corneal subbasal nerve plexus reinnervation and stromal cell morphology with different cap thicknesses in small incision lenticule extraction

Fig. 2

Representative images of subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) recovery in three different groups. The corneal SNP with some inactivated Langerhans cells (red circle) were detectable in all eyes preoperatively. The density and length of corneal nerve fibers were decreased after surgery at 1 week postoperatively, and a significant decrease was observed in the 110 μm group. The nerve fibers revealed an increasing trend at 1 month postoperatively, while the corneal nerve tortuosity increased 3 months after the surgery. Some dendritic cells (white arrow) were detected after surgery. The set of five images in each group showing alterations of the SNP during the 6-month follow-up after the procedure were taken from the same individual. Field size: 400 μm × 400 μm. m, month; w, week; preop, preoperative; postop, postoperative

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