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Fig. 6 | Eye and Vision

Fig. 6

From: Establishment of a novel ER-stress induced myopia model in mice

Fig. 6

Expression levels of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2) and cleaved COL1 in sclera tissues detected using Western blotting. a Protein expression level of MMP2 at different tunicamycin (Tm) concentrations. b Densitometric analysis of MMP2 at different Tm concentrations (each group n = 4, each sample was a pool of three sclerae). c Protein expression level of MMP2 according to the number of Tm applications. d Densitometric analysis of MMP2 according to number of Tm applications (each group n = 6, each sample was a pool of three sclerae). e Protein expression level of cleaved COL1 (3/4 COL1) and intact COL1 in different concentrations of applications of Tm. f Densitometric analysis of the ratio of cleaved COL1 and intact COL1 at different Tm concentrations (each group n = 3, each sample was a pool of three sclerae). Statistically significant differences are shown [compared with control group, *P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA with least significant difference (LSD) post hoc test]

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