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Table 1 Representative algorithms in ML and DL

From: Application of machine learning in ophthalmic imaging modalities

AI Techniques



Conventional Machine learning

Supervised learning

SVM, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, RF, KNN, Naïve Bayesian, Decision Tree, AdaBoost, Neural network methods

Unsupervised learning

Principal component analysis, K-means, Expectation-maximization, Mean shift, Hierarchical clustering, Affinity propagation, Iterative self-organizing data, fuzzy C-means systems

Reinforcement learning

Q-learning, Temporal difference learning, State-Action-Reward-State-Action, Teaching-Box systems, Maja systems

Deep learning


Convolutional deep belief network, Conditional restricted Boltzmann machine


AlexNet, GoogleNet, Visual geometry group network (VGG), Deep Residual Learning, Inception v4 (v2, v3), Restnet-152 (34,50,101), LeNet


Bidirectional RNN, Long short-term memory

  1. DBN=deep belief network; CNN = convolution neural network; RNN = recurrent neural network; SVM = support vector machine; RF = random forest; KNN = k-nearest neighbor