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Table 2 Intraoperative Characteristicsa

From: Safety and efficacy outcomes of the Xen45 Gel Stent use for refractory glaucoma: a surgery series from surgeon trainees at a tertiary teaching hospital


n = 28 subjects

Operative eye (right eye), n (%)

14 (50.0)

Fellow-only procedureb

5 (17.9)

Combined phacoemulsification/XEN procedure, n (%)

9 (32.1)

MMC timing


27 (96.4)


1 (3.6)

MMC concentration

 0.2 mg/ml

27 (96.4)

 0.4 mg/ml

1 (3.6)

 Mean MMC total administration, mcg (SD)

37.9 (1.7)

 20 mcg

3 (10.7)

 30 mcg

4 (14.3)

 40 mcg

19 (67.9)

 60 mcg

2 (7.1)

  1. aAll procedures were completed using an ab interno approach with closed conjunctiva technique and injection of MMC. Air technique and Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device dissection were not used in any of the cases
  2. bDefined as a procedure performed by a glaucoma fellow without the supervision of an attending glaucoma specialist
  3. MMC= mitomycin C; SD= standard deviation