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Table 3 Bland-Altman analysis and paired t-test showing the agreement between the FAZA measurement after correction with ALact against both FAZA measurement after correction with ALest and uncorrected FAZA

From: Correcting magnification error in foveal avascular zone area measurements of optical coherence tomography angiography images with estimated axial length


Mean diff. (mm) (95% CI)

SD (mm)

Lower LoA

Upper LoA

tstat (df)

P value

ICC (95% CI)

FAZA corrected with ALest vs. FAZA corrected with ALact

0.002 (− 0.002, 0.007)


 − 0.027 (− 0.034, − 0.019)

0.031 (0.024, 0.039)

1.090 (45)


0.992 (0.985, 0.995)

FAZA uncorrected vs. FAZA corrected with ALact

 − 0.005 (− 0.014, 0.004)


− 0.064 (− 0.080, − 0.049)

0.054 (0.039, 0.069)

− 1.639 (45)


0.965 (0.937, 0.980)

  1. ALact = actual axial length; ALest = estimated axial length; CI = confidence interval; df = degrees of freedom; FAZA = foveal avascular zone area; ICC = intraclass coefficient; LoA = limits of agreement; SD = standard deviation; tstat = t-statistic